Lundi reconnaissant…le mardi

  1. J’ai un bébé tranquille.
  2. J’ai eu droit à une nuit pas mal plus longue pour la fête des mères ! Il a dormi un 4h47, entre autres.
  3. J’ai une activité maman-bébé sur le toucher cet après-midi. J’ai hâte !
  4. J’ai une autre activité maman-bébé demain !
  5. Mon chum s’occupe super bien du bébé.
  6. J’ai fait des super bons biscuits au chocolat.
  7. J’ai eu des cupcakes de la fête des mères ! Photos à venir.
  8. Mes parents ont gardé le bébé en fin de semaine et j’ai pu sortir avec mon chum.
  9. Il a fait super beau hier, un lundi en plus.
  10. Ma plaie continue de rapetisser tranquillement pas vite et plus un signe d’infection !

Grateful Monday

  1. I don’t feel I have to finish something if I don’t feel like it. Like finish a book or finish Nablopomo.
  2. I am still wearing a big sweater in the morning. It’s not cold enough for a coat. I’m always hot.
  3. I have managed to bake 4 different recipes for cookies since yesterday.
  4. I finally finished a big job last week. Big big job.
  5. I got congratulations about one of my blogs at work.
  6. I have a very nice colleague.
  7. Tide to go.
  8. 23 weeks and I still have plenty of energy.
  9. Swimming this morning, it’s a great way to start the week.
  10. There is a Soupesoup not too far from work. Yum !!
  11. We bought the stroller.
  12. We ordered the bed, the mattress and the rocking chair.
  13. I will have a baby shower !! Yeeeee !!

To do list for Christmas

Bake cookies for gifts and party :

  • Cornmeal thyme cookies
  • Chocolate-black pepper cookies
  • White chocolate chunks
  • Pick-a-tea shortbread
  • White choco-cranberries pistachios
  • Gingery-lavender shortbread
  • Rosemary shortbread
  • Pecan sandies
  • Smoky bacon-ginger cookies — after my boyfriend chatted with the butcher it seems I have to bake more cookies for them ! Bacon cooked, bacon fat reserved.
  • Chocolate chips and bacon
  • Lemon sage cookies

Grocery shopping for the party — started

Buy a 1$ gift

Buy decorations and wrapping paper

Buy boxes for cookies

Make my gift for the person I picked in the gift exchange at my parent’s. –started

Buy gift for the person I picked in the exchange at my aunt’s place.

Deposit my grandma’s gift cheque and the money I will have from tonight’s group research and put it on Visa.

Peanut butter bacons for my boyfriend’s friend, C. and party. — Three batches made.


Work on the pictures from the retirement party

Have passport paperwork and pictures ready for my dad to sign

Buy more flour