Feel Good Friday

I haven’t participated in FGF in many weeks. I decided I wanted to make a list of 5 things that made me happy this week.

  1. It made me happy to think of the good things about my aunt who died a couple of days ago. I’m grateful I knew her and I’m grateful she was there for my family.
  2. Snow makes me very happy. I love it when it’s snowing. I walk to the metro station with a big smile. It snowed this week and I got excited like it was the first time I had witnssed it.
  3. My boyfriend decided he wanted to make dinner every night until the 23rd. He made pâté chinois tonight and it was the best !! Pâté chinois is like shepherd’s pie but it’s ground beef, corn and potatoes.
  4. Sucre à la crème has been circulating at work this week. What’s not to love about sugar and cream ? My boss’ recipe is made with maple syrup and white chocolate and I wait for it all year. It comforted me.
  5. I got elastics on my braces this week and it made me happy that I can install them easily and that it doesn’t hurt except when I eat. Also, no headaches from the new wire !!

4 réflexions sur “Feel Good Friday

  1. It is snowing on your blog. Did you know that? You like snow? You are not well!!! Get well soon.
    You are in Montreal? You mentioned the metro.
    Been there! My sweetie worked in the CGI building for a few years.

    Have happy thoughts.(Even if it snows)

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